Mapping Arkansas Territory, Then & Now

Young Historians and their teachers in schools around Arkansas are invited to help create a digital map for the upcoming bicentennial of Arkansas becoming an organized Territory (1819) in the Louisiana Purchase region. Use the pins on the Google map to see samples of how primary and secondary sources can be used to locate eyewitness accounts of places and people who occupied the Arkansas landscape—not far from your community–in the early, pivotal moments in Arkansas history. If your team completes the <achecklist, then your project will be published on the Arkansas History Hub website naming each member in the credits.
On the teacher portal you can find lesson plans and other resources. On the student portal, you can find tip sheets, templates, and tutorials on how to add your present-day photographs and images of the same site described in the journals, letters, maps, and other documents written almost 200 years ago. A list of project opportunities will help you get started, or be creative and invent your own.</a

Click on the map for more detail


For more information, contact Butler Center for Arkansas Studies, Central Arkansas Library System: