Memory Project: Collecting and Sharing Our Civil Rights Stories
Students will utilize various sources, including electronic technologies, to gain an understanding of the Memory Project’s topic of civil rights. Students will also participate in class discussions after reading selected interviews from Beyond Central, Toward Acceptance. They will also do research and conduct oral history interviews as directed. Students will also complete essays utilizing information obtained in the oral history interviews.
Courtesy of CALS Butler Center for Arkansas Studies
Grade Level: 9-12 High School
Time period: World War II Through the Civil Rights Era 1941-1967
Arkansas Academic Standards are subject to revision every six years by the Arkansas Department of Education. The frameworks used in the majority of lesson plans on the Arkansas History Hub are from the 2006 Social Studies Frameworks and the 2007 Arkansas History Amendments and School Library Media Frameworks.
IR.12.10.5, IR.12.11.5, IR.12.12.5, IR.12.9.6, R.9.10.7, R.9.11.6, R.9.12.7, R.9.9.8, RE.2.CH.1, RE.2.CH.2, RE.2.CH.3, USC.5.AG.1, USC.5.AG.2, USC.7.CAG.5, USC.7.CAG.6, USC.7.CCC.3, WWP.9.AH.9-12.4