Votes for women
Students will analyze primary and secondary source information to learn about the struggles of women during the Women’s Suffrage Movement. Students will take this information and hold a rally to express their informed opinion on the subject. Students will place information within a graphic organizer/timeline to fully understand the steps towards accomplishing the 19th amendment. Students will use the information for a predetermined task.
Courtesy of CALS Butler Center for Arkansas Studies
Grade Level:9-12 High School
Time period: Early 20th Century 1901-1940
Arkansas Academic Standards are subject to revision every six years by the Arkansas Department of Education. The frameworks used in the majority of lesson plans on the Arkansas History Hub are from the 2006 Social Studies Frameworks and the 2007 Arkansas History Amendments and School Library Media Frameworks.
C.1.C.5, OV.1.10.2, OV.3.9.2, PR.14.AH.4, RP.6.AH.912.6, SR.5.AH.9-12.5, USC.6.C.5, W.4.9.1